Friday, July 25, 2014


*Google search: intitle:"WSO 2.4" [ Sec. Info ], [ Files ], [ Console ], [ Sql ], [ Php ], [ Safe mode ], [ String tools ], [ Bruteforce ], [ Network ], [ Self remove
Submited: 2014-01-03

*Google search: intitle:"=[ 1n73ct10n privat shell ]="
Submited: 2014-01-03

*Google search: filetype:php intext:"!C99Shell v. 1.0 beta"
Submited: 2013-11-25

*Google search: intitle:"uploader by ghost-dz" ext:php
Submited: 2013-11-25

*Google search: inurl:1337w0rm.php intitle:1337w0rm
Submited: 2013-08-08

*Google search: Re: inurl:"r00t.php"
Submited: 2012-11-02

*Google search: intitle:C0ded By web.sniper
Submited: 2012-11-02

*Google search: Re: intitle:Priv8 SCR
Submited: 2012-11-02

*Google search: inurl:"amfphp/browser/servicebrowser.swf"
Submited: 2011-09-26

*Google search: allintext:"fs-admin.php"
Submited: 2011-01-09

*Google search: (intitle:"SHOUTcast Administrator")|(intext:"U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status")
Submited: 2006-05-03

*Google search: (intitle:"WordPress › Setup Configuration File")|(inurl:"setup-config.php?step=")
Submited: 2006-03-15

*Google search:"index of /" ( upload.cfm | upload.asp | upload.php | upload.cgi | upload.jsp | )
Submited: 2006-03-06

*Google search: "Please re-enter your password It must match exactly"
Submited: 2006-02-08

*Google search: inurl:"tmtrack.dll?"
Submited: 2006-01-04

*Google search: inurl:polly/CP
Submited: 2005-10-06

*Google search: intitle:"net2ftp" "powered by net2ftp" inurl:ftp OR intext:login OR inurl:login
Submited: 2005-09-25

*Google search: intitle:MyShell 1.1.0 build 20010923
Submited: 2005-08-15

*Google search: intitle:"YALA: Yet Another LDAP Administrator"
Submited: 2005-05-02

*Google search: intitle:"ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved" "While trying to retrieve the URL" "The following error was encountered:"
Submited: 2005-04-27

*Google search: intitle:"PHP Shell *" "Enable stderr" filetype:php
Submited: 2004-07-12

*Google search: "adding new user" inurl:addnewuser -"there are no domains"
Submited: 2004-07-20

*Google search: intitle:"Web Data Administrator - Login"
Submited: 2004-10-05

2-Files containing usernames

*Google search:intext:"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" inurl:*=/etc/passwd
Submited: 2013-04-22

*Google search:inurl:"/root/etc/passwd" intext:"home/*:"
Submited: 2013-04-22

*Google search: inurl:"login="
Submited: 2006-07-31

*Google search:intext:"SteamUserPassphrase=" intext:"SteamAppUser=" -"username" -"user"
Submited: 2005-06-05

3- Vulnerable Servers

Google search: inurl:"/reports/rwservlet" intext:"Oracle"
Submited: 2014-02-05

Google search: inurl:"struts" filetype:action
Submited: 2013-11-25

Google search: inurl:.php? intext:CHARACTER_SETS,COLLATIONS, ?intitle:phpmyadmin
Submited: 2013-08-08

Google search: inurl:/wp-content/w3tc/dbcache/
Submited: 2012-12-31

Google search: intext:SQL syntax & inurl:index.php?=id & inurl:gov & inurl:gov
Submited: 2012-12-31

Google search: intext: intext: intext: intext: intext:
Submited: 2012-08-21

Google search:
Submited: 2012-05-15

Google search: intitle:"-N3t" filetype:php undetectable
Submited: 2012-05-15

Google search: inurl:.php intitle:- BOFF 1.0 intext:[ Sec. Info ]
Submited: 2011-12-23

Google search: filetype:php inurl:tiki-index.php +sirius +1.9.*
Submited: 2011-11-25

Google search: filetype:php inanchor:c99 inurl:c99 intitle:c99shell -seeds -marijuana
Submited: 2011-11-24

Google search: inurl:php intitle:"Cpanel , FTP CraCkeR"
Submited: 2011-11-19

Google search: intitle:#k4raeL - sh3LL
Submited: 2011-10-11

Google search: inurl:view.php?board1_sn=
Submited: 2011-09-26

Google search: intitle:m1n1 1.01
Submited: 2011-07-26

Google search: intitle:Locus7shell intext:"Software:"
Submited: 2011-05-03

Google search: intitle:"[EasyPHP] - Administration"
Submited: 2011-03-23

Google search: MySQL: ON MSSQL: OFF Oracle: OFF MSSQL: OFF PostgreSQL: OFF cURL: ON WGet: ON Fetch: OFF Perl: ON
Submited: 2011-02-24

Google search: intitle:cyber anarchy shell
Submited: 2011-02-24

Google search: inurl:/vb/install/upgrade.php
Submited: 2010-12-10

Google search: "[ phpinfo ] [ php.ini ] [ cpu ] [ mem ] [ users ] [ tmp ] [ delete ]"
Submited: 2010-12-07

Google search: "www.*.com - c99shell" OR "www.*.net - c99shell" OR "www.*.org - c99shell"
Submited: 2010-12-08

Google search: "r57shell 1.4"
Submited: 2010-12-07

Google search: "safe_mode: * PHP version: * cURL: * MySQL: * MSSQL: * PostgreSQL: * Oracle: *"
Submited: 2010-12-07

Google search: "you can now password" | "this is a special page only seen by you. your profile visitors" inurl:imchaos
Submited: 2005-09-15

4-Vulnerable Files

Google search "These are the paths and URLs to your SMF installation"
Submited: 2013-09-24

Google search: allinurl:forcedownload.php?file=
Submited: 2011-08-25

Google search: ionCube Loader Wizard information disclosure
Submited: 2011-05-28

Google search: vBulletin Install Page Detection
Submited: 2011-05-27

Google search: inurl:"simplenews/admin"
Submited: 2006-09-13

Google search: inurl:updown.php | intext:"Powered by PHP Uploader Downloader"
Submited: 2006-02-28

Nguồn: Internet


  1. var list = [];
    var listVid = ["/246764083", "/231397093", "/231000995", "/230333653", "/230332291", "/229951238", "/227539423", "/223478092", "/217696336", "/216576043"];
    var x=0;
    var y=listVid.length;
    var vid;
    var VidSite = "";
    var source = ""
    var doc2=job();

    function job()

    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function (){});
    for ( x ; x < y ; x++ )
    vid = listVid[x];,"_blank");

    function recup()
    list = document.getElementsByClassName("iris_video-vital iris_video-vital--profile");
    y =list.length;
    for( x ; x < y ; x++ )
    listVid[x] = list[x].childNodes[0].getAttribute("href");


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